Looking for someone who can handle your marketing campaign from concept to completion? Looking for someone who has done a little bit of everything? From InDesign to Eloqua to SEO copywriting to long form webinar presentation, I’ve got a long list of tricks in my marketing bag.
Here’s why you want me on your team because of how I work:
First and foremost, I care about producing high quality work. But, I can determine the right amount of effort to put into something for the outcome it’ll produce.
I’m not afraid to speak up when I notice something is off.
I’m always looking for ways to improve processes so we can work better and with less stress.
I’ll challenge doing things “because that’s the way we have always done it.” I’ll A/B test and bring the data but not get tunnel vision from tracking.
I have the skills it takes to lead; I enjoy mentoring and finding growth paths for more junior employees. I understand the importance of setting clear expectations and delivering timely feedback.